Wednesday 29 July 2009

This is it

In under one weeks time, myself and four close friends will be on a plane journeying to foreign lands and places unknown. None of us have been to America before so it is safe to say that this will be a journey of discovery and one where we will, I’m sure, learn and experience a lot.

So, what’s the plan?

It’s simple really. On paper at least! On August 3rd we will fly into Miami and on September 9th we will fly back home out of san Francisco. Between these two dates almost anything could happen. I think our plan is best summed up in the response I often find myself giving when people ask “where abouts in America are you going?”


In Miami we will pick up our home and transportation for the 39 days of travel, a 32ft RV (recreational vehicle), and we have an outline itinery. The plan is to drive up the east coast of America via the Appalachian mountains, right up to Boston, Massachusetts, then across to Yellowstone national park via Chicago, then down to Vegas, across to LA and finally up to San Francisco. Over 6000miles of travel, over four days of journey time, about 25 states and many cities and stops on the way.

So that’s the idea, that’s the plan and that’s what we hope we can do.

In reality we only know two things; that this will be an incredible adventure and that there’s no turning back now.

This is it!